Saturday, December 20, 2008

My Trip to Taiwan (台湾)

Mom and I had wanted to go to Taiwan for a long time but some how we always end up going somewhere else or could not find the right time to go.

This year my brother decided to take his family to Taiwan for a holiday. Mom, 2 nephews, niece and I went along with them. Visited Taipei (台北) and other small town near Taipei.

We arrived at Taoyuan International Airport (桃园中正国际机场) around 7.30pm. I can’t remember an hour or half to reach Taipei. It was cold when we arrived at Taoyuan International Airport as it’s near the sea. I think the temperature was around 16c to 20c.

The local tour guide took us to one of their night market called Shilin (士林夜市). Since I am a vegetarian and it was late at night I did not want supper. The others tried their local food. They tried their Or Ah Mee Suah, Fish Ball, Fried Crab and a few others. They find the food quite bland. Just like when an India person eating Chinese food in Malaysia, the India friend will always said Chinese food no taste, not enough spice. There were still time we took the opportunity to shop, niece, nephew and I went into a shop that sell local brand. We find the fashion and price was okay, we bought quite a bit there, especially me, as I like trouser with lots of pocket. We bought scarf and gloves too.

We check in the Hotel in Taipei. The next day we left for Leofoo Village Theme Park (六幅村). It is divided into region, like you have the Wild Wild West, Arabian Nights and so on. All the rides in the Theme Park are free. I find our Genting Highland Theme Park and Sunway Lagoon is much better. When we watch Jacky Wu in his game show, the place looks like it is very big and the ride so scary, actually it is not that scary. We tried the boat ride where the boat falls at 90degree before you fall out the boat goes back to 0 degree again. Here the water will splash onto your face. It was a good thing my brother got us some recycle rain coat. If not……

No doubt the rain coat is from the dustbin, I appreciated it, to me better than nothing. Most of them get it from the dustbin nearby anyway. Anyway the dustbin had only thrown away rain coat.

We had lunch at the Theme Park and continue to Yilan Winery (宜兰甲子兰酒文物馆), it shows the history of traditional wine making. Did not find the wine interesting but my niece and I found some hand make handicraft.(手工艺品)The biscuit with that molasses is very good. I had yet to try it. Those that had tried said it is good. From here we moved to our next destination. That is Yilan Traditional Art Centre.

Yilan Traditional Art Centre (宜兰传统术中心), this is quite an interesting place. You get all their local tribes arts here. I had a wonderful time here, we bought bracelets, earrings and phone-chains. We bought this magic Absorbent Coaster. This coaster when you place your cup or mug on it, if there is water at the bottom of the cup or mug it will absorb the water, leaving your desks dry and clean. It had beautiful picture on it too. Mom tried spinning the top, and she did it, after so many years she still had the magic there. My brother and I were super excited over it, especially me I was jumping up and down getting the others to clap too. I guess I was proud of my mom as others could not spin the top. We were not interested in the Chinese traditional show, to us it is boring.

That night we had dinner and check in at Shangri-la Boutique Hotel, for a small town like Yilan that Hotel or resort is consider 4 stars. After dinner, some went fishing, some wanted to dip in the hot spring. All was abandon. We end up watching the 8pm movie on chocolate. It was quite entertaining.

The next day we went to Yehliu Geopark (野柳地质公园) this is where the famous queen’s head and fairy shoes. It was very windy and cold.

The tour guide took us to Danshui Oldtown and Fisherman’s Wharf( to watch the sunset. It was so cold and windy that all end up eating Ah Mah Fish Ball except me. The tour guide asked did you all saw the sunset, we said no but we saw Ah Mah Fish Ball, we had a good laugh.

Next day visit is nothing special, visited the home of Chiang Kai Shek, Miniatures Museum and Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall. I don’t find Taipei 101 Observation Deck special. We had to pay, while our Petronas Twin Tower we don’t have to. When we were at the Taipei 101 Observation Deck, the staff came to our tour guide saying there is special gift for guest that day. We were having high expectation on the gift, guess what it is. It is a bookmark, just a strip of paper with a Chinese painting on it. I guess better than nothing lah.

Things are very expensive at 101 malls and those malls around it. This is what I called branded. The whole mall is so classy. Luckily there is Giordano on Christmas sales, we got some pants. Did not walked away empty handed. I bought Aska Yang Star Start DVD concert. Had watched it, for a beginner it is good.

Had been to Hong Kong, Taiwan and China, if you want to shop and eat it is better to go to Hong Kong. There is more to Malaysian taste bud. I still prefer shopping in China they have lots of their local brand which is not bad too.

This trip I learned a thing from niece, the luggage strip during check-in there is name on it. I thought only number, silly me.


  1. good memory o. u can remember the names of the places. haha.

  2. what u said, of course look at the......
